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Steve Quenette
Feb 62 min read
Mastering the AI era - perhaps the process is the same as mastering the Iliad
Homer wrote the Iliad at the bronze - iron age transition, confusingly intertwining norms. Is the transition to the AI era similar?

Steve Quenette
Aug 29, 20242 min read
Gotta love a good (data) scarcity
We often get asked to consider, advise, and strategise on how to invest in AI. Increasingly, we’re hearing the AI bubble will burst, but...

Steve Quenette
May 27, 20241 min read
AI applied to research - what 1,600 researchers think
We are working with BioPlatforms Australia to understand AI's impact. A precursor from Nature: AI and science: what 1,600 researchers think.

Steve Quenette
Sep 5, 20231 min read
Introduction to Sustainability and AI mini-documentary
Innate Innovation partook in a mini-documentary cover story investigating the relationship between #AI and #sustainability. Put together...

Steve Quenette
Aug 31, 20231 min read
Announcing the sustainability of AI-scale digital research infrastructure workshop
Are you an #AI creator? An AI user? Or a quality data provider to AI? Adapting #LLMs to an organisation or project is compute-intensive,...

Steve Quenette
Jul 31, 20231 min read
Investing in technology efficiency - why offsets can't save us
Inauthenticity in carbon offsets: are a few bad apples enough to reconsider offsets? We share another reason for digital (cloud/HPC/AI)

Steve Quenette
May 22, 20231 min read
DarkMode podcast : the microcosm of future digital societies
Released last week, listen to our founder Steve Quenette speaking about all things #innateinnovation - the confluence of...

Steve Quenette
Mar 14, 20231 min read
Concerns Over Potential Harm From AI Prompt Apple to Block Update of ChatGPT-Powered App
Apple has delayed approval of an email-app update with AI-powered language tools (#ChatGPT), concerned with insufficient measures to...

Steve Quenette
Mar 4, 20231 min read
HPC Forecast: Cloudy and Uncertain
Technical challenges & technology markets have always shaped #HPC. Once the investment in HPC, typically to address a #grandchallenge and...
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