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Steve Quenette
Feb 62 min read
Mastering the AI era - perhaps the process is the same as mastering the Iliad
Homer wrote the Iliad at the bronze - iron age transition, confusingly intertwining norms. Is the transition to the AI era similar?

Steve Quenette
Sep 5, 20231 min read
Introduction to Sustainability and AI mini-documentary
Innate Innovation partook in a mini-documentary cover story investigating the relationship between #AI and #sustainability. Put together...

Steve Quenette
Jul 31, 20231 min read
Investing in technology efficiency - why offsets can't save us
Inauthenticity in carbon offsets: are a few bad apples enough to reconsider offsets? We share another reason for digital (cloud/HPC/AI)

Steve Quenette
Jun 26, 20231 min read
ST Telemedia Global Data Centres and Firmus Technologies Forge Partnership to Build a Global Network
Product-market fit is a marvellous thing! Aussie ingenuity, investment, skills and a little help from Innate Innovation to cast and...

Steve Quenette
May 30, 20231 min read
Cloud Provider Sustainability: the Need for a Workload Carbon Footprint Standard
This article is an excellent introduction to scope 1, scope 2 & scope 3 for #cloud computing by Adrian Cockcroft. Meaningful measurement...
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