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Steve Quenette
Feb 62 min read
Mastering the AI era - perhaps the process is the same as mastering the Iliad
Homer wrote the Iliad at the bronze - iron age transition, confusingly intertwining norms. Is the transition to the AI era similar?

Steve Quenette
Nov 18, 20241 min read
Steve & the Goannas win the Hockey Masters Over45s World Cup
Steve Quenette & the Australian Over45s win the Hockey Masters World Cup, drawing parallels to our executive coaching & personal leadership

Steve Quenette
Oct 2, 20242 min read
Digitally savvy executive teams are rare
There's little doubt that the future of business is digital. Digitally savvy executive teams are rare. We can help with every facet of this.

Steve Quenette
May 16, 20241 min read
Coaching comes in all forms - helping over 1000 computer science students grow
In 2023, we succeeded in developing a sustainability, cloud, and AI line of business. A goal for 2024 is to create a #coaching profile....
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