Congratulations to our Steve Quenette and the Australian Over45s team for winning the Hockey Masters World Cup in Auckland! The team dominated the competition, scoring 36 goals and conceding only 1 goal, culminating in a 5-1 win over South Africa in the grand final.

Steve's assessment was:
The coaching and support staff were first-rate, enabling and empowering each player and, ultimately, the team to gel, trust and shine. The team was fitter (and load managed better), more present and wholly aware of our strategies than our opponents. Life-long friendships and memories were made.
... drawing parallels to the executive coaching and personal leadership we deliver. The team was reaming in talent and leadership.
Steve's journey was not without challenges, overcoming a week-long cold and then a rolled ankle throughout the two weeks of competition. Yet he walked away with a goal (several misses!) and accolades for front-half defensive pressure. He was also appointed the team's social media coordinator. You can recap the action and shenanigans here on Facebook.